Cammy - Street Fighter 6
A new character, she was introduced in 1993 as a member of the four new challengers in Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers, alongside Dee Jay, Fei Long, and Thunder Hawk.
Additionally, she has appeared in official comics and merchandise, as well as in Marvel vs. Capcom and SNK vs. Capcom crossovers. Cammy has also become famous in the Street Fighter series due to her backstory, gameplay, character design, and backstory.
Her spiral arrows and cannon spikes are among her key attack methods, and she attacks her opponents in dazzling and unexpected ways.
As a specialist in quick attacks and movement, she can close the gap with her walk speed and moves, allowing her to run a close-range offense at high pressure, punishing careless opponents who step out of line.
Reference: Wikipedia
Characters Tutorial
Learn how to use Cammy quickly. Thank you to Azu's for sharing the instructional video. More Cammy from SF6.
Other Characters
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她首次在快打旋風系列中登場是在《快打旋風 6》。在角色設定上瑪濃是位超級名模與柔道世界冠軍。
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她首次在快打旋風系列中登場是在《快打旋風 6》。瑪麗莎是位有著希臘血統的綜合格鬥選手,她的紅色秀髮會讓人聯想到角鬥士的頭盔,雖然她的身材魁梧但卻是位義大利的珠寶設計師。
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該角色首次在快打旋風系列中登場是在《快打旋風 II》,為最初八位登場角色的其中一員,他與隆一起代表日本,作為該遊戲系列角色的首發陣容。他也於後續系列作品以及《Capcom vs. SNK》系列中登場。
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迪傑首次在快打系列中登場是在 1993 年的《超級快打旋風 II》,作為同期引入四位新角色的其中一位。而其在角色設定上是位霹靂舞者、唱片藝術家以及牙買加跆拳道和空手道冠軍,因此登場背景與角色會給人新潮的律動感。